So I haven't been blogging a whole lot up here...but if your friends with me on facebook you have been keeping up! Whats been new...well I will be working with a Talent Manager which is extremely exciting cause I really just want to be sent out for stuff! Also, I booked a commercial on the web!!! Don Case Casting has been calling me in here and there and the casting director that I know really well told me I booked it! I was soo excited!!! I can't wait to finally see it on the web. I did however see how it turned out at the casting office and it is really cool :) I also got the hook up and had a personal meeting with an agent at her office which was a great experience! So pretty much I'm just gonna be keeping her updated with my future bookings. But back to the commercial, once I finally get my hands on it I will be able to post it up! Thank you everyone for all the love and support...take care of yourself, be happy, merry and thankful for everything!
Peace and love