So this month has been pretty busy for me. I was put on hold for a ABC commercial and had a callback for a Carmax commercial. I didn't book either of them but I'm still super proud of myself and extremely grateful that I am freelancing with a commercial agent right now. Being put on hold for two commecials and having my first ever callback for a commercial is a BIG step. I am being very optimistic that something great will land my way. I'm just so thrilled to have an amazing family and friends that support me. It feels so amazing to have such wonderful people in my life! But the one person I must thank is my mother, with out her I wouldn't be going as far :) I love her soo much and miss her...thank you mummie
peace & love
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Friday, August 6, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Keep Going!

So the agent I'm freelancing with called me yesterday letting me know that I have an audition for a commercial today at 10am. I asked her about the applesauce commercial and she found out yesterday that they went with someone else. I wasn't too upset, but I was happy to know that they were interested. That's the thing with this profession you got to keep going! You can't get so caught up with one audition, it's great to imagine the possibilities with booking that gig but if it doesn't work out there's always the next one. I will update y'all about how this audition goes today, wish me luck!!!
peace & love!
Monday, July 19, 2010
My Acting Career

Since I took a little time out on my career I'm back and ready to go. I believe the last post I made discussed me working with a Manager, well that did not fall through. I was extremely torn to sign with her because it had been a month since I met her and she didn't call me or anything for auditions. However, she did feel the need to send out a MASS e-mail to all her clients and let us know who went out to what audition and such. She even hated my headshots, but that was the last straw. I just feel if you are going to be my manager you need to be telling me what I'M going out for not what others are doing. This is NOT a group project! So I'm very happy I did not sign with her, but the CD that has been calling me in since I took her class in December referred me to a non-union agent and the agent called me in for a commercial audition! Shooting for the commercial is next week, I'm hoping I got it cause after my audition the agent called me last week asking what my availability was for the week of shooting. So lets cross our fingers!!!!
Peace and Love
Its been a While!!

So as some may notice I have been very lazy with my blogging...but I was super busy for the month of June-July. I went to Athens, Greece with my Father the first week of June which was an AMAZING experience! I have tons of pictures but here is one with my father and I on the roof top of our hotel, in the back you can see the Acropolis (we took a tour over there so I have more pics). Also, on June 22nd it was the one year anniversary of my Mothers Passing. My sisters and I went to Indiana, where our dad teaches and lives now, and we just made that week a celebration of our mothers wonderful spirit. We just decided to take that trip and remember all of our exciting road trips we had in the past with our mom. Words can't describe how much I miss her everyday but its because of her I am taking this journey and focusing on my acting career. I love you mummie, rest in peace.
Peace and Love
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Long blog!

So I haven't been blogging a whole lot up here...but if your friends with me on facebook you have been keeping up! Whats been new...well I will be working with a Talent Manager which is extremely exciting cause I really just want to be sent out for stuff! Also, I booked a commercial on the web!!! Don Case Casting has been calling me in here and there and the casting director that I know really well told me I booked it! I was soo excited!!! I can't wait to finally see it on the web. I did however see how it turned out at the casting office and it is really cool :) I also got the hook up and had a personal meeting with an agent at her office which was a great experience! So pretty much I'm just gonna be keeping her updated with my future bookings. But back to the commercial, once I finally get my hands on it I will be able to post it up! Thank you everyone for all the love and support...take care of yourself, be happy, merry and thankful for everything!
Peace and love
Monday, March 15, 2010
Don't forget about my show!!!

I highly recommend everyone to come see my show AND call to make reservations! Its gonna sell out fast! Its open bar everyone!!! Who doesn't want to come to a off-off Broadway show and have a party at the same time!? You all are gonna luv it! Once again it's at The 45th Street Theatre and you can call (212) 340-1039 for reservations!! Performance dates are March 20th and 27th at 9pm!!
Peace and Love!
TRU Audition

So I ran across this event on and figured why not attend. Pretty much you perform two monologues or a monologue/song in front of about 60 industry guests (agents, casting directors, etc.) The price for non-members was $45 which isn't too bad. So I got my confirmation email that I have been accepted in the event and they will let me know what my time slot is on March 27th. I'm really excited about this, because this whole acting biz is about networking and meeting/greeting new people and just getting your name out there! So wish me luck boos! :)
Peace and Love
Lisa Gold Industry Networking Party
On March 4th my acting buddy Anita invited me to an industry party that Lisa Gold hosts every Thursday of each month. I had a blast at this event. I met about 3 0r 4 industry people and they were all very nice. I didn't have business cards so I gave them my postcards, lol, I guess the next thing on my to do list would be business cards right? But anyway, the party was at a restaurant called B. Smiths. Lisa had raffle contests so it wasn't just walking around and meeting people she had some great gifts she was raffling off, unfortunately I didn't win anything but I will probably attend the next party! In this picture it is me, Anita and Lorrie :)
Peace and Love
Monday, March 1, 2010
Tootsie is getting Spayed

How tragic...I have been avoiding this day for 4 years, and the time has come. Tootsie David-West will be getting spayed tomorrow March 2, 2010. I will be dropping her off at the animal hospital today, I am soo nervous for her but everyone has assured me that this is the best thing for her and it will keep her healthier. I always wanted to breed Tootsie but that would have been a lot of work and potentially dangerous to my lil baby. Im sure she will be fine but Im gonna be soo happy when this procedure is done and over with! Here's a pic of my lil boo :) she is just too adorable!
Peace and love
This Boo Got cast in a Show!

Yes!!! So all my hard work paid off last week with the auditions and callbacks. I got cast in "Sex, Relationships and Sometimes...Love" which is a monologue show. I had such an amazing time at the audition and callback and I am just sooo thankful that my family and friends where extremely supportive through out! I haven't worked or been in any plays in about 3 years so just getting back into it and getting cast in a nyc based show is such an accomplishment. I know this can and will lead to greater things...Im just gonna go through this run, be positive and professional and hope more things will come out for me :) And even though my mom isn't here, I wanna thank her for keeping me soo strong! I wish she was physically here to see me grow but I know shes with me in spirit! This is dedicated to my mom, lovicka you mummie!
peace and love
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Auditions, Auditions, Auditions!

peace and love
Saturday, February 13, 2010

So on a lighter note, I just saw the production of MEMPHIS on bdway today and its was just wonderful! Everyone was amazing and it just inspired me to keep focusing on my dream. If you never heard of the show or haven't seen any commercials about it, check it out on or just google it. I saw the show with my two older sisters and my father and from beginning to end we were entertained. I enjoyed the fact that it touched on a number of topics; race, class, dreams, etc. It was just very well executed and I would definitely recommend this show to be seen. There are soo many other shows I want see, maybe the next will be Fela! Heard great reviews for that as well :)
Peace and love
Friday, February 12, 2010
Nodar Kumaritashvili, the Georgian luger

Peace and love
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

So, I had my whole day planned out today 2/10. Go to my voice lesson at 1pm, straighten my hair and then go to my last day of my on-camera commercial class. Well, none of that happened today. There was a misunderstanding about my voice lesson, I wasn't on the written schedule but I did receive a confirmation e-mail that my time was set for 1pm. But it is ok, things happen, people make mistakes. But I wont be able to attend the Heights audition tomorrow. However, things do happen for a reason and maybe me not having my voice lesson was a sign that I wasn't fully ready to audition for this great show? Well after this experience I'm going to work on my craft and just get ready for the next Heights audition.
Then I was like ok I'm just gonna go home now, do my hair and get ready for my last day of acting class. I get an e-mail, class has been cancelled because of the SNOW! Ugh! I was a lil upset but you know the weather is very bad, I was just out there trying not to be blown away sooo its best that I just stay at home. This way I can submit to some acting gigs, maybe do some laundry, cuddle with tootsie and just relax! Nothing good comes out of your day when there is crazy snow :-/
Peace and love
Snow Snow Go Away...

Please come back another day! Ugh what is with this snow that we are having today 2/10. I really hope this will not effect any upcoming auditions that are happening this week!? You know I think snow is very pretty and blah blah but after that its just gross. Yes I will admit my dog Tootise is one of the culprits that makes that beautiful white snow into yellow slush that doesn't look very appealing! And its like once that snow melts it unveils all the lil presents that were left by everybodys pets. Not Tootsie of course, we always "try" to pick up her presents :) Well lets hope it melts fast and hopefully after February it will be a lot warmer! Cause this boo needs the sun and warm weather back in her life!
Love and Peace
Long time!

So I haven't written much in the past weeks...we are already in February!! The months are just going by so fast!! So what has been new with me?? Well, I did a days work on 30 Rock on Monday 2/1 which was just a blast! Tina Fey and Jason Sudeikis where filming a scene...not gonna spill too much cause that would just be telling too much info :) But it was a great experience, Tina was just adorable! Everyone from 30 Rock was just really nice, they fed us a lot which was just great! I would definitely work with them again, just let me know when you boos are ready for me!!
Peace and Love
Friday, January 22, 2010
Donating to Haiti

What happened in Haiti was just devastating, I'm very very happy that people everywhere are helping out as much as they can. Today I am dropping off some clothes (shirts, pants, jeans, shorts, etc.) at a donation site in my neighborhood. These clothes are still in good condition but I know these items will be more useful for those that were affected by the earthquake. Also, when you get a chance text 90999(Haiti) and donate $10 or text 20222(UNICEF) and donate $10. If we all can donate something and help out it will mean a lot to those who are in need.
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